Who can access this screen?

Line managers, and approving officers, including senior (sales) managers, commissions analyst, commissions administrator, Sales Director and Special Director can access this screen.

Setting Up in the Commission Approvals

At the top navigation bar, there are two tabs that let's you view the commissions according to the stage they are in, either in setting up of the schemes or in sales performance monitoring. This article focuses on the Setting Up tab.

  Where can I access this feature?

  1. Navigate by clicking Commission Approvals menu under My Tasks section in the left sidebar.
  2. By default, you will land on the Setting Up tab in the top navigation bar.

This view, and the pages therein, are only available and accessible in the Web version of the Toolkit.

There are three sections on the Setting Up page.

My Team's Schemes

Only line managers have access to this section.

In this section, you can see where in the setting up process each of your direct reports' schemes are. You can click on a direct report to open the commission scheme page. Note that the commission scheme page is password-protected. To unlock and view the scheme, enter your password in the Toolkit.

Line manager tasks and actions

Set up commission scheme

This is the first step in the set up process. As a line manager, you are expected to build key performance indicators (KPIs), multipliers and accelerators for your direct reports. Submit for approvals and, if rejected make the necessary amends.

Scheme Approval Queue

Senior managers, commissions analysts, commissions admins and directors have access to this section.

This section organizes schemes according to their status prior to reaching you in the approval chain. The purpose of this section is to view the schemes currently being reviewed by other managers which will, eventually, require your approval once all the necessary approval levels have been completed.

You can click on any of the boxes to open the list of the employee schemes if you wish to view the relevant schemes.

Schemes For My Approval

This section allows you to access, review and approve the commission schemes of your indirect reports. This means all the schemes in this step will not progress in the approval stage until you have approved, or rejected, them.

Approve a commission scheme

You can individually approve schemes or use the bulk approval functionality.

Approve one scheme at a time

  1. Click the box under the Schemes For My Approval section.
  2. Find the employee you wish to approve. You can use the search functionality by entering the employee first name or last name. Click to select the employee.
  3. Each scheme is password protected. Enter your password to open the scheme.
  4. Review the KPIs, multipliers and accelerators. Click on a scheme line item to view the details.

    Add a comment to a scheme line item

    In the right-hand side of each scheme line item, click    to open the Comments popup window. Type your comments in the bottom input field.

    The comments are only visible to all the approving officers and will not be viewable by the employee.

  5. To submit, click at the top-right hand corner of the screen to open the options. You can select one of the following:
    • Approve Scheme to submit the scheme for further approval;
    • Or, Reject Scheme to return the scheme back to the line manager should you want amends to be made.
  6. A popup window appears. Enter your comments or provide a reason for your action.
  7. Click Done to submit or Cancel to go back to the scheme.

Bulk approve schemes

  1. Click the box under the Schemes For My Approval section.
  2. In My Approvals screen, click Bulk Approval in the top-right hand corner.
  3. To select specific employees you wish to approve in bulk, tick    before the name.
    To tick all the employees in the list, click Select All button in the left hand side of the search bar.
  4. To submit the selected schemes, click at the top-right hand corner of the screen to open the options. You can select one of the following:
    • Approve Scheme to submit the scheme for further approval;
    • Or, Reject Scheme to return the scheme back to the line manager should you want amends to be made.
  5. A popup window appears. Enter your comments or provide a reason for your action.
    The reason that you enter here will be applied to all the schemes.
  6. Click Done to submit or Cancel to go back to the scheme.