My Training gives you a full overview of your current progress against your L&D achievement and gives you access to your courses and activities.

The top section of this screen shows your current L&D statistics.

The following information are represented in your stats for each level:

  • Total completed hours that you have logged for ongoing, completed and closed (unfinished) courses;
  • Minimum target hours that you are required to achieve, based on your grade;
  • Your progress against your L&D achievement (this is simply the percentage of total completed hours over the minimum target);
  • The bar graph represents your progress against your L&D achievement;
  • Planned hours represent the total duration of all your ongoing, completed and closed (unfinished) courses.

The next sections show you a summary of your courses organised by relevance; that is, 

  • you will find approved courses that you can start under the Ongoing Training section, 
  • courses that are pending approval - from your administrator, line manager, L&D Officer and Community Engagement Officer - under Awaiting Approval section, 
  • completed courses that you have not reviewed under Requires Your Action section,
  • and, courses you have saved or bookmarked under Saved Training.

These sections show you eight of the most recent courses. You can view all your courses by clicking See All in any of these sections.

See All

You can access and view all your current and historical records from here.

You can filter your courses by calendar year. You can also sort your courses by start date, alphabetically by title and by level.

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