Who has access to this feature?

   Line Managers have access to this feature.

How to navigate to Colleague Appraisals?

  Open your direct report's appraisal from Colleague Appraisal under My Tasks section in the sidebar menu.

You will receive a notification (push notification on your iOS device, a web notification from your browser if the Toolkit is open, and an Email) at the start of each appraisal period.

Appraisal Periods

Period Appraised
Conducted On
April (previous CY) to Mar (current CY)
April until end of May
Q1April to June
July to end of August
Q2July to September
October to end of November
Q3October to DecemberJanuary to end of February
InterimApril to September
October to end of November
Q4January to March
April until end of May

Annual Appraisal Process

Step 1. Line Manager Review

As a line manager, you are expected to review the previous year and set objectives for the year ahead during the annual appraisal process. You can optionally review the objectives that you have set for the current year during the interim or quarterly appraisals.

You are required to:

  • set an achievement for all individual objectives in previous year;
  • set an achievement for all Q4 objectives in previous year, as applicable;
  • set an achievement for all critical and general tasks (job description) in previous year;
  • set an achievement for all core, job-specific and department competencies;
  • add a development plan for the year ahead; that is, provide a summary of how your direct report can achieve personal development for their current and future roles (where a detailed plan is available this can be referenced instead);
  • add at least one individual objective for the current year;

You are optionally expected to:

  • add a review of contribution in previous year's company objectives;
  • add a review of contribution in previous year's department/team objectives;
  • add expected contribution to current year's company objectives;
  • add expected contribution to current year's department/team objectives.
  • add at least one Q1 objective for the current year, as applicable.

Any changes or updates you make in your review are saved real time. Your colleague will not have visibility on your review until you submit the appraisal for Employee Review. To set to Employee Review, click   in the top-right corner of the navigation bar and select Submit for Employee Review.

Step 2. Employee Review

The employee review gives your colleague the opportunity to share their thoughts and respond to your initial review. You are not expected to perform any tasks or activities while the appraisal is on employee review.

Step 3. Appraisal Meeting

You will receive a notification that your direct report has submitted his/her appraisal comments and is now ready for a one-to-one meeting. During this stage, you can:

  • edit the data you have entered during line manager review, specifically:
    • review of contribution in previous year's company objectives;
    • review of contribution in previous year's department/team objectives;
    • achievement set for previous year's individual objectives ;
    • achievement set for previous year's critical and general tasks (job description);
    • achievement set for previous year's competencies;
    • development plan for the year ahead; and,
    • individual objectives for the current year.
  • add new objectives,
  • or, add comments to record any additional feedback from your meeting.

Once you’re done, you are ready to sign off your colleague appraisal. Click   on the top-right corner of the navigation bar and click Sign Off. The sign off form is presented to you. Enter your final comments for the respective appraisal period.

For departments who generally only conduct annual appraisals, you can recommend an interim half-year appraisal for an individual. Click or tap Yes to do so. If you're unsure, you can continue to sign off and go back not later than the start of the interim appraisal period to do this.

In some cases where your colleague qualifies for level E - "Excellence", an option appears in your Sign Off to recommend for E. Click or tap Yes to make the recommendation for your Director's consideration.

Click Sign Off when you're done.

Step 4. Appraisal Signed Off

Once your colleague appraisal is signed off, you and your colleague can continuously add comments to the current year’s objectives. These comments are viewable realtime by both parties.

Quarterly Appraisals

For departments that conduct quarterly appraisals, you are expected to add at least one quarterly objective to the current quarter. Although this is optional, note that you will be required to set an achievement to this quarter on the next quarterly appraisal. If you didn't add any quarterly objective or if you missed the appraisal, the Toolkit ignores the quarter.